Monday, April 28, 2014

This weekend was not v. good in fact I'm not even going to try to list out all the snack-like foods I ate on Friday and Saturday. was a good thing today was a fast day:

So here's what I ate today:

  • blakes all white meat chicken pot pie 290 calories
  • Avocado 220ish
  • Medium apple 72 calories

I was a little over but close enough I think. I also ran 2 miles. Need to remember to take allergy meds on a regular basis this spring. During my run, my eyes were tearing from the pollen, which has happened since I was a kid. Tomorrow I will probably not exercise as I'm going to be volunteering at a store for much of the morning so will be on my feet for hours, moving furniture, etc.

Even though I haven't seen much movement on the scale lately, I can no longer wear my black cords out as they tend to fall down they are so big.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Postscript on yesterday's feast day

OK so maybe I ate way too many snacks last night it addition to my dinner (nuts, almond milk, peanut butter, avocado). Ugh you get the idea. I really need to get back on the wagon (maybe I should join OA as I'm starting to sound like an addict). Anyway today is a fasting day so I should be OK. Although I do have to go to a heavy hors d'oeuvres event tonight. I'm not sure if I should just make appetizers my dinner or eat beforehand. Probably the latter.

Knitting wise I'm well on my way to finishing my first sock. Should have a picture posted in a couple of days. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Knitting socks instead of eating

One again I am on a diet. This time I'm trying the "Every Other Day Diet" by Krista Varady, which entails fasting every other day (well eating only 500 calories on the fasting days). So far I've lost over 20 lbs (yay me), but I have almost fifty more to go and I've hit a plateau so I've decided to do a food journal/ sock pictorial to keep track of my progress and sock knitting (yeah I know, I'm weird).

 So far today I've eaten the following:


  • Steel cut oats (3/4 cup cooked) 
  • handful of raisins and walnuts (didn't measure but was truly a handful I promise) 
  • tsp of flaxseed banana 
  •  3 cups of black coffee


  • PBJ on homemade white bread toasted (thin slices but next time I will make whole wheat) 
  • Bowl of black bean soup from Costco (300 calories) 

 Dinner (not there yet but this is what I plan on having)

  • Amy's pesto 
  •  carrots
  •  grapefruit 

 Guess I should also log my exercise while I am at it. Today after my teeth cleaning I'm going to take the dog for a 1.7 mile walk (nothing major but something anyway)

 Socks in the spotlight: 
Currently making toe up socks (magic loop, afterthought heel, 64 sts)I am using Deborah Norville Serenity Sock Weight yarn. I love how this yarn guides on and off my bamboo circulars, however, I didn't realize that it was handwash only until after I bought it. So I'm not too sure how much I will wear them. Still I love how the yarn is striping. The colorway is called surf (this is from the company Web site. I will post a pic of my socks when they are done.)